You went before.
Men owe you their lives.
Four years ago.
Now I just climb for myself.
My father was a climber. Royce
Garrett. He climbed Everest with you.
I don't care. I don't live my life
so you can look up to me.
My sister's dying up there.
Before you lecture me,
get your facts straight.
It'll be less embarrassing.
Up there, you're not dying,
Mr. Garrett. You're dead.
What the hell happened to you?
Vaughn's people are offering $500,000
to anyone that goes.
Maybe that'll make a difference.
Why would they do that?
He's one of them.
What's their supply situation?
Enough for 22 hours.
Who's coordinating at base?
-Vaughn's people.
-That's a mistake.
I'll need someone there I can trust.
Taylor, you know the mountain best.
Skip's one of the best climbers.
We'll need him.
Let's agree on one thing:
This is not a climbing democracy.
On a rescue, we don't vote,
question or argue.
You listen and do exactly as I say.
Chopper will take you back.
Here's how we'll split it up.
Malcolm, you'll climb with Kareem.
-Cyril, you'll--
-What? No, I bloody won't.
You've been up the mountain too long
and forgotten the rules.
Never eat at a place called "Ma's"...
...don't play cards
with a fellow named Doc...
...and never climb with a stranger.
I'm going with my brother.
Frankly, I'd rather climb
with the Sheila.
My rules: I put a strong climber
with a weaker one.
You'll climb with Kareem.
Mr. Garrett,
you'll be climbing with me.
Cyril. Guess what?