So if that thing there blows...
...and I don't believe in Allah,
I'm going to Hell?
Is that what you reckon?
You're all the bloody same,
aren't you?
Born-agains say I don't believe
in Jesus, so I'll go to hell.
Jews say I do believe in Jesus,
I'll go to Hell.
Catholics say I don't believe
in the pope, I'll go to Hell.
So any way you look at it,
I'm in the shit.
Well, go on, then. What did he say?
We gonna die up here or what?
All men die, my friend.
But Allah says it is what we do
before we die that counts.
Jet stream's rising. I'd say
all clear for the next 48 hours.
Wick, do you copy?
Pressure's up. You have clear skies
and light winds. Over.
How long will it last?
You're good for the next 48 hours.
What is your exact position? Over.
The rock wall, about 400 feet
above Negrotto Col.
I thought you'd be at the top by now.
Yeah, so did I. What's the status
at 26,000? How's the girl?
As far as I can tell, okay.
McLaren's serious. Internal injuries.
And Vaughn?
No word.
Keep me informed.
What is this with you and Vaughn?
You're too slow, Mr. Garrett.
You've gotta move faster.
Take your hands off me.
It's not your concern.
If it involves my sister,
it's my concern.
I made it clear.
No arguments, no questions.
Look, if you've got another agenda...
...why don't you go back?
I don't need you.
Your sister will be dead in 14 hours.