Let's go, or we'll never
leave on time.
I'm totally ready.
Come on. I'll make you some waffles.
-Mother. . . .
Hey, Cooper.
You want some breakfast too?
You want some waffles?
Good boy.
Look. They're at it again.
Christ, that's twice in. . . .
When did they move in?
Three weeks. What's their name?
Feur, I think. Psych department.
Figures, they're all nuts.
She's awake.
We'll be quiet.
Quick and quiet.
I don't want to be either.
-When's she out of here?
-Norman Spencer!
All right, I can't stand
the rejection. I'm going for a run.
Hey, you okay?
Come on, Pooper. Let's go.
We'll have to leave by 1 1
if we want to beat the traffic.
Eleven o'clock.