What Lies Beneath

Don't let her corner you,
she'll chew your ear off.

-Evening, Phil.
-Here they are.

How do you do? Hi.
Hi. Nice to see you again, Lois.
White wine, please.
How are you holding up?
Just fine. It's a lovely party.
Norman was telling me the house
is finished.


It's good to see you doing so well.
Thank you.
Well, I was worried.
I don't think I've seen you since
Norman's reception here last year.

You were worried?
I swear, I've become that nosy old lady
I used to run away from at Amherst.

No, I'm just not sure what you mean.
You got so upset.
Oh, at the party.
For the DuPont Chair.
You remember?
Well, I remember the party, but. . . .
Oh, God!
I had completely forgotten.
I broke your crystal.
Oh, my dear.
