What Women Want

644,998-- 99-- 90.
Wanna make a decision here ?
- Oy vay!
- Oh, you can say that again.

- I didn't say anything.
- Doesn't mean I didn't hear it.

Okay. Okay. Let's say--
Let's say I do believe you.

- Yeah.
- You can hear what women think.

Even though I'm a grown
woman of... [ Thinking ] 51 .

- 47.
- Oh, my lips are sealed.

Holy crap !
Oh, forgive me.

- That's all right.
- But this is phenomenal.

- You can hear inside my head.
- Yes.

Why would you want to get rid
of such a brilliant gift ?

Well, for starters,
almost every woman I know
thinks I'm an asshole.

- What I thought when I met you.
- Doc, give me a break here.

Mr. Marshall, you might
find this a little unorthodox,

but would you mind
awfully if I smoked ?

- No, no, I understand.
- Thank you. Thank you so much.

[ Coughs ]
Let's try to look at
the up side of this, shall we ?

You know, Freud died at age 83
still asking one question,

''What do women want ?''
Wouldn't it be strange and wonderful
if you were the one man on Earth...

finally able to answer
that question ?

Listen to me, Nick.
Something extraordinary...

and I think miraculous
has happened to you.

My advice is
you must learn from this.

You know, there isn't
a single woman that I treat...

that doesn't wish her man
understood her better.

If men are from Mars and women are
from Venus and you speak Venusian,

the world can be yours.
I don't know how this
happened to you or why,

but you may just be
the luckiest man on Earth.

lmagine the possibilities.
