When the Sky Falls

What's this to do with
Shaughnessy getting killed?

I'll take you
so far, Sinead.

Then I'll leave you...
wanting more.

- I want more.
- 'Course you do.

A bit of O'Fagan
is never enough.

You have to have
the full dosage.

The Runner.
The Commandant.

Where do you people come up
with the fucking nicknames?

If it were down to me,
I'd print their
birth certificates.

Mr. Cosgrave?
I'm Sinead Hamilton,
Sunday Globe.

I wonder if you'd
have a minute?

- I'd like to talk to you.
- I don't want to talk to you.

Not even about the
car parked outside your house

the night of Hannigan's

What car?
The car with Belfast
registration, that car.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Don't you?
It's around the time
the IRA paid you a visit.

Do the words ''fuck off''
mean anything to you?

You and Martin Shaughnessy,
they paid him one, too.

- Fuck off.
- The difference being that

shortly afterwards,
he was murdered.

You haven't been murdered,
have you, Mr. Cosgrave?
