I didn't mean
to treat you bad
Didn't know
just what I had
But, honey, now I do
And don't it make
my brown eyes
Don't it make
my brown eyes blue?
I think that
should pay for it.
Don't it make
my brown eyes
Don't it make
my brown eyes
- I could use a few bucks.
- Fuck off back to Bangladesh.
- Fucking cop shite.
- Fuck off.
What about that?
Absolutely, no way.
Come on, now,
a deal's a deal.
- People are waiting.
- We're right behind you, Sinead.
- Go on about your business.
- Come on.
You said smack barons, there's
no proof your man was into drugs.
You're quibbling, Keaveney,
it's not dignified.
That's a damn sight better than
gyrating about on those tables.
Bollock naked, you said.
You did.
- Stop.
- Get them off, Jimmy!
All right, all right!