But now it's the middle class
finding a packet of smack
in their teenage daughter's
knicker drawer. Oh, that's news !
And now you want me to protect
the poor criminals
and the poor politicians,
they're so overworked.
And the poor journalists
with their moral dilemmas.
Well, bollocks to that.
Go back to your PR job, Sinead.
Take up a placard for women who
leave their kids at home alone.
Bye, Seamus.
Buy yourself a fucking drink.
U nintelligible statements
from witnesses
who later refused to testify.
Citizens being executed
in the streets.
Are these mishaps?
I'm getting pissed off hearing
the words ''police inefficiency.''
We don't the resources
to be inefficient.
You have the resources, you need
to be able to manage them.
What I have is less
than what I had 1 0 years ago.
You're digging a hole
for yourself, Mackey.
If I had a quarter of the manpower
friggin' around on the border--
That is a political issue.
This is not political.
You have the bleeding nerve,
lecturing me about managing
our resources,
when a minute I'm out of this
room you're gonna put a red pen
through my every request!
And that is fucking political
right up to its tits, sir.
Andy, out.
Get your feet off my desk.
Stupid morons.
They're not giving us
our surveillance back.
Their fucking pensions,
that's all they think about.
What do they want us to do?
I don't know!
Criminals, the courts,
the press,
they all make us
look like fools.
Did you become a cop
to look like a fool?