When the Sky Falls

Can't say he's had
his limos serviced here

but I'm living in hope,

H e's a bit of a lad,
but I wouldn't finger him for drugs.

H e owns the Rave Club.
Oh yeah?
You wouldn't be keeping
secrets from me, Mickey?

Fuck Hackett.
You have a serious problem
with your gearbox.

You're storing up
a heap of trouble.

I'm wondering what it is
that makes you nervous.

I'm not nervous.
You keep yanking that
gear stick, it'll come off.

Look, Sinead,
if I hear anything about
Hackett, I'll tell you.

Jesus !
Does she know what
she's getting into there?

She'll find out soon enough,
won't she?

What's he look like?
This husband of yours.
Taller and better looking
than you.

If you were my wife, I wouldn't
let you sit in cars

all cozy with blokes like me.
And again, we're not married.
It's a funny thing, Sinead--
they're like buses.

Sometimes you have to--
U sed to wait ages, you know?
Then along comes
a double decker.

I never use
public transport.

Friend of yours?
Oh, shit!
It's Mary.

Come here, will you?
