Jesus Christ, Tattoo.
It was. H e set us up.
Look out.
There are four corners
to my bed.
There are four angels
there lie spread.
One at my head,
one at my feet
two at my heart,
my soul to keep.
The Father, Son,
Holy Spirit, Amen.
That's lovely.
Sleep tight and don't let
the bed bugs bite.
- You know bad people.
- What, love?
That's what I heard
Daddy say, once.
Sometimes we have to
know bad people.
To help stop bad things.
You used to stay
by my bed every night.
When all the bad people
are gone,
I'll stay by your bed
all the time.
Bad people don't go away.
That's what Daddy said.
But we want
them to, don't we?
What if there were bad people
outside our house now?
There are no bad people
out there, Colum.
Mommy has to answer the phone.
I love you, sweetheart.