When the Sky Falls

What aspect in particular.
- H is pocket's full of heroin.
- Thornton was a junkie.

H e speaks !
How can I help you?
I heard someone
was using Jamie.

- Who?
- We were.

H e was helping
with our inquiries.

- And that's why he was killed?
- For Christ's sake.

My readers will be fascinated
to hear how he found

all that heroin
in his police cell.

Your readers should try
dealing with this shit.

Where did you get
this information?

I can't tell you that.
Let me guess,

Your little friend,

You think he's a real charmer,
don't you?

Wake up, Sinead.
Why don't you ask him
who ran Hackett's operation

while he was in jail?
Or about his sex and drugs parties
with little boys and girls?

Or about the kids
his heroin has killed?

Joey Kelly, Jimmy Martin,
a 1 2-year-old Jason Park.

Ask him about that
before you come around,

waving your press card
and high morals in my face?

- But the truth is--
- The truth?

The truth is more complicated
than you and your

poxy newspaper
will dare print.

We're all on the same
side of the fence.

What fence?
Why don't you spend some time
in the ditches with us?

I'll dig my own ditches.
N ice one, Mackey.
O'Fagan lead me all the way
up the garden path.

- Can't believe I let him.
- Yeah, you did, didn't you?

It's useless, you know?
If something happens,
if someone gets shot,

I write about it.
H e's still been shot.

Child buys smack, I write
about it, it's still been sold.

Maybe next week or--
N ext week, next year.
Nothing changes.

It's not a magic wand, Sinead.
I should get out of it,
write about gardening.

You'd kill a hearty plant
in a week.

I'll have to tend
to plastic begonia.
