was she hot?
I don't care about looks anymore.
Im over that superficial crap.
As long as she's got a great rack
and buns like a champ, Im happy.
Yeah, she was hot.
-You railed her?
You didn't rail her?
That's probably why you like her
and you're not talking about her.
-I didn't say if I railed her.
-Usually means you didn't rail her.
-Didn't rail her.
-Definitely didn't rail her.
Listen up, assholes.
It was Thursday night.
I was back at the Bell Café,
looking for the wonder twins,
when I suddenly I notice this
beautiful woman at another table.
Notice she's a woman
and not a hi-dee-hi-dee-ho.
What are you reading?
Now this girl was fly.
-She was that fucking hot?
The capper is, she was reading
Syd Field's screenplay book.
That's like the Bible
for screenwriters.
She's not only hot but got
the same interests as me.
Wait, did you say
you fucked her in a field?
No, I said she was reading
Syd Field's screenplay book.
Who cares?
Did you fuck her?
No, look.
Have some fucking respect.
I think I actually like this one.
-I knew it.
-Definitely didn't fuck her.
Did you get her back to your crib?
Of course.
-What are your legs?
-Steel springs.
-How fast can you run?
-Fast as a leopard. Gallipoli.
George, George, George, George.
Its Michael Dorsey.
Your favorite client.
"George of the Jungle"?
You go.
What, I amuse you?
That's so easy.
"Good fellas".
Hey, wait.
Can't we just take it slow?