Never south, always north.
When I come home from the gym
after a few butterflies,
I look in the mirror and go:
"Ive got a nice rack.
Id fuck me."
Like that psycho in
"Silence of the Lambs".
Except I didn't do the dick tuck.
I did the dick tuck for Loraine,
to spice up the sex life,
keep the bedroom hot.
You did the tuck for Loraine?
She talked about
bringing home a woman
and threesomes and shit.
Dude, that's awesome.
Oh, master, oh, master.
She wouldn't let this go
and I realized she had this
pseudo lesbian craving.
Are you kidding me? Loraine?
No, she wouldn't let it go.
So instead of bringing back
another chick,
sometimes I do the tuck,
talk in a high voice like this,
and ask her to touch me.
Touch me.
Touch me. Touch me.
Touch me.
Oh, Brad.
Oh, Brad.
Ive tried doing the tuck
a couple of times,
but it really kind of...
hurts my penis.
Then you're not doing it right.
Is this shit still going on?
You still unstrapping one
for Loraine?
That was just a phase.
Now she's in a book group.
-I got to go.
-Where you got to go?