Shu Lien!
Li Mu Bai is here!
- How's everything?
- Fine. Please come in.
Mu Bai, it's been too long.
It has.
- How's business?
- Good.
- And how are you?
- Fine.
Monk Zheng said
you were at Wudan Mountain.
He said you were practicing
deep meditation.
The mountain must be so peaceful...
I envy you.
My work keeps me so busy,
I hardly get any rest.
I left the training early.
Why? You're a Wudan fighter.
Training is everything.
During my meditation training...
I came to a place of deep silence...
I was surrounded by light...
Time and space disappeared.
I had come to a place my master
had never told me about.
You were enlightened?
I didn't feel the bliss
of enlightenment.
Instead... I was surrounded
by an endless sorrow.
I couldn't bear it.
I broke off my meditation.
I couldn't go on.
There was something...
pulling me back.