My only family...
my only enemy...
You can't die!
Tell us what poison you used!
You can't die!
Tell us the antidote!
You can't let Li Mu Bai die!
She used Purple Yin...
Purple Yin poison.
It goes straight to the heart.
It's the same poison she used
to kill my master.
My blood
will soon reverse its flow.
There is no antidote.
That can't be!
Everything has an antithesis!
Why not this?
The antidote exists.
She taught it to me.
The formula is simple,
but it takes time to prepare.
Trust me.
As you have helped me,
let me help him.
All right.
I will hold on as long as I can.
Take my horse
and go to the compound.
Give this to Mrs. Wu.
She'll help you. Hurry!
Spare your energy.
I'll be back!
Where is Mrs. Wu?
Stop it!