[Girl Screams]
[ Grunting, Panting ]
- Marie! David?
- I don't know what happened to him.
I don't know what--
I just touched him.
I didn't--
I didn't mean--
- Call an ambulance!
- Don't touch.
- Honey--
-Just get away from me!
- Call an ambulance!
Don't touch me!
- Don't touch me.
-[Woman] Ladies and gentlemen,
- Don't touch me.
-[Woman] Ladies and gentlemen,
we are now seeing the beginnings
of another stage of human evolution.
These mutations
manifest at puberty...
and are often triggered by periods
of heightened emotional stress.
Thank you, Ms. Grey.
It was quite educational.
However, it fails toad dress the issue
that is the focus of this hearing.
Three words:
Are mutants dangerous?
I'm afraid that's
an unfair question, Senator Kelly.
After all, the wrong person behind
the wheel of a car can be dangerous.
Well, we do license
people to drive.
Yes, but not to live.
Senator, it is a fact...
that mutants who have come forward
and revealed themselves publicly...
have been met with fear,
hostility, even violence.
It is because of that
ever-present hostility...
that I am urging the Senate to vote
against mutant registration.
- To force mutants to expose
themselves will only further--
- Expose themselves?
What is it the mutant community
has to hide I wonder...
that makes them so afraid
to identify themselves?
- I didn't say they were hiding.
- Let me show you what
is being hidden, Ms. Grey.
I have here a list of names
of identified mutants...