the secret service
has transformed Ellis Island...
into a veritable Fort Knox
for tomorrow night's opening gala.
Ellis Island rests less than one mile
from the shores of Manhattan.
- Bobby.
- Rogue, what did you do?
They say that you're
stealing other mutants' powers.
No, no.
I borrowed his powers.
You never use your power
against another mutant.
I had no choice.
- No, you have to understand me.
- If I were you,
I'd get myself out of here.
- What do you mean?
- Listen, the students are freaked.
Professor Xavier's furious.
I don't know what he'll do with you.
I think it'll be easier
on your own.
You should go.
What are you looking for, Eric?
It's strange. There are
more powerful mutants out there.
Why should this one
be so important to him?
- Maybe it's his way with people.
- You don't like him.
- How could you tell?
- Well, I am psychic, you know.
- Where is she?
- Who?
She's gone.
[Woman's Voice]
Welcome, Professor.
Welcome to Cerebro.