The ones I saw before
were all too skinny.
Looked like kittens.
I told the matchmaker straight out,
no skinny women for me!
I like them fleshy, nice and warm!
What does a man my age need?
Somebody to keep me cozy!
I´ve been married twice.
I like a woman with experience!
I´ve also got two kids.
Two kids?
I love kids!
The more the merrier!
Shall we start planning
our wedding?
So you agree?
Let´s make our wedding
a real event!
Of course!
We can´t just go through the motions.
I agree.
Everyone knows me...
I can´t be a cheapskate.
We´ll need 50 grand.
That´s about right!
You´ve got 50 grand?
I shouldn´t have a problem getting it.
I´ll fiigure it out.
No problem.
Old Zhao´s back
to borrow money!
- How do you know?
- Look, he´s coming.
He´s trying to get hitched again.
This is the 18th time!
Hasn´t worked out once!
He still owes me money!
I´ve gotta get out of here.
Tell him I´m not home.
Fu! Stop pretending
you don´t hear me!