Xingfu shiguang

Stop painting!
Public bathrooms are this color.

You´re right!
I found this paint in the dump.
It´s all they had!

What do you expect for free?
Let´s try this one.
It´s so loud.
It´s like ''all night long´´ red.

That´s it!
Keep them awake
long enough to pay.

Let´s go with the ''all night long´´ red.
''All night long´´ it is!
All right!
Not bad at all.
A good fiix- up and it looks like new.
I still don´t feel good about this.
There you go again.
We´ve got a good,
clean place here.

So people can unwind.
What are you worried about?
Remember why we´re doing this.
- Wow!
- Who fiixed this place up?

What a romantic color!
It´s even got a name:
''Happy Times Hut.´´

Not bad?
Come in. Have a look.
You two did this?
There´s a collection box?
Give what you want, you decide.
Have some water.
Don´t worry.
We already checked.
You can´t see in from outside.

Not a bad place to get out of the sun.
That´s right!
Zhao! We´re in business!
