Xingfu shiguang

- Can you do that?
- No!

Why not?
It´s not that hard to do.
Then you tell her!
Stubborn kid!
Why are you so diffiicult?
You can´t blame my dad!
I was wrong, okay?
Do you know how hard it is
for a man my age to fiind a wife?

By chance I met your mom and...
She´s not my mom!
She trusted me to fiind you a job...
...and I end up screwing up the whole thing.
I beg you.
Come work at my hotel.
If you don´t like it, leave.
That way, at least I did
what she asked me to.

All right?
What am I going to do with you?
Will you please go with me?
We´re fiilling out an application for you.
All employees must fiill it out.
The guy talking to you is
Manager Fu.

He´s in charge of daily operations.
From now on, call him Manager Fu.
- Okay, go ahead!
- Name?

Wu Ying.
- Wu Ying, that´s spelled W- U.
- Got it.

Ying as in yellow.
How do you write that?
Like this!
Oh, okay, I´ve got it!
I´m so used to the computer,
I forgot how to write!

- Age?
- 18.

You´re 18?
Don´t be suspicious.
18 is 18!

Elementary school,
but I didn´t fiinish.

Was it a school for the blind?
No, I could still see then.
