Didn't the doctor say so?
There's lots to tell her
Like what happened at school...
or some little secret you have
You can tell Grandma anything
What's the matter? Why that grumpy look?
Don't want to talk to her?
What's the point?
She can't see what I tell her
Are you trying to get out of it?
That's not nice!
How can you let Grandma down?
How can you let Grandma down?
You're making me cross!
What did teachers tell you?
Grandma loves you so much
You can't just ignore her, can you?
You just can't!
You take a break...
I'll talk to her first
It's my turn
Ma, I'm good at talking
Luck's on my side now,
don't worry!
I'm rich now
People come to me for loans!
Not like the old days
when my borrowing made you worry