You Can Count on Me

Sorry about yesterday
I don't care
I was studying the bus description
And I got on the wrong bus

I missed my stop
I don't care, Terry. I'm so glad to see you
I'm glad to see you too, Sammy
So you're coming from work
No, it's Saturday
Yeah, no, it's just that you dressed so formally
Oh, no, you know, I thought I'd...
I thought it was special occasion. Which it is

No, it's good, it's good
I thought I'd get dressed up too

It's okay. You look fine
Yeah, this is the haute cuisine of garments
Nothing. Nothing. So how are you?
We're fine, Terry
So, how's Rudy?
We're fine, Terry
How are you?
Where have you been lately, Terry?
I know, I haven't been...
I got a postcard from you, from Alaska
Yeah, yeah I was up there for a little while
That was in the fall, Terry
Yeah I know, I've been out of touch
I was a little worried
I've been a lot of different places. I was down
in Florida for a little while
I was doing some work

in Orlando. I've been all over the place
Well I just wish
you had just let me know you were okay

Yeah, I just didn't realize it had been so long
You staying in town for a little while
Well I don't know
I got all these things
I got to do back in Worcester

Yeah, so I'm probably not gonna
be able to stay more than a day or so

I'm kind of trying to keep to a schedule of sorts
