You're working late
How did your wife like the bank?
Oh fine. She wasn't feeling so great
That's too bad
Oh no, I don't mean... She's not ill
She's just... I don't know
Yeah, that's right. She's pregnant
Well it can make you kind of cranky
Look, I'm sorry we've been
stepping on each other's toes
Yeah, so am I
I'm really not that bad of a guy
I know you're not, Brian
But you're driving everybody crazy
Well, I'm trying to do my best here...
and I'm getting it from all sides
I know you are
Anyway, we'll work it out
Well, I could use a beer
I could use a tranquilizer
Last I heard, Rudy's Dad was living over
in Auburn. But that was a year ago
Must be so tough trying to raise a kid
on your own
I'm not sure but I think my wife
It's just hormones
Well, no, it isn't. But never mind
Thanks. Thank you...
Well, here's to improved
employee-management relations
You know you can't judge all of Scotsville