You'll get young minds tomorrow.
Can we open one, professor?
lt's really hot, sir.
Your comfort comes to my
second ability to get mourn.
l think this class would be
a waste of yours, and what
is infinitely worse my time.
However, here we are, so...
You may attend or not,
you may complete
your assignment,
we have to go.
Excuse me!
We have a little problem.
lt's extremely hot with
the window close,
and extremely noisy
with them open.
So l was wondering if there
is anyway you could
maybe work some place else
for about 45 minutes.
No problem.
Thank you so much.
As you will find they will
be multiply severals calculative up,
and a number of solutions
to get in problem.
As l was saying, this problem
have will take
some of you many months to solve.
And the others among you,
take you to determine in
the natural lifes.