that l enJoyed the flavour...
l have not been in this room
for quite so many years...
Things are certainly change
around here.
l have a son that age. Harvard.
l thought the receivers of the
Nobel Prize is to be secreted.
l thought you won't have find
out if you have won or lost.
That is generally the case,
but this is circumstances.
The award is Just substantial.
They require private
funding as such...
the image of the Nobel...
Oh l see. You come here Just
to find out if l'm crazy.
Find out if l'll screw out
everything that l actually want.
Strip naked like a chicken
thing pours around the nature.
Something like that, yes.
But l embarass you.
Yes, it is possible.
You see... l am crazy.
l take medications.
l still see things
that is not real.
l Just choose not to acknowledge.
l could die after mad.
l choose not to and
indulge certain appetites.
Like my appetite to patterns.
Perhaps my appetite
to imagine, to dream.
Professor Nash.