Look at what they abandoned
in their panic. They were afraid!
They were too scared, so they
hid it away from the public.
They forgot all shame and honor...
...and cast off the civilization
and science we had created,
and shut the lid of the Pandora's
Box they themselves had opened.
Hey, we're still young.
I think we can start over.
I'll go with you to the police.
Come on, turn yourself in!
That was the first time you
ever killed somebody, right?
Anyway, once you've
purified your body and soul,
Let's go out for tea or something.
Don't kick yourself over it, okay?
What's done is done.
The guy's dead.
Who're you?!
Ryu! You're okay!
- Kei, is that you?
- Ryu!
Who's this?
Who, me?
Well, I guess saying I'm Kei's
boyfriend might be stretching it a bit.
But we haven't gotten physical
or anything yet, understand?
- Are you a spy?!
- No!
Is he really okay?
All I know for sure is
that he's not a spy.
Sneak into their lab?!
Are you serious? Don't you remember
the fiasco with that kid?!
Last-minute orders.
Besides, the plan's already in place.
The lab passes they
issue once a week...
They're from Mr. Nezu?
What's the objective?
Detailed data on the new subject.
New subject?
Yes. Last week, on the night we tried
to abduct the subject called Number 26,