Isaidl'm beginning
to feelallrightnow
Ifeellcan tellyou
you're in themoodrightnow
you're in themood
we fussandfight
'cause thingsain'tright
Forthose ofyou
who thinkyoucamehere today...
to hear us tell you
like these Negro leaders do...
thatyour times
will just get better...
that weshall
I say toyou,
you came to the wrong place.
Becauseyour times will never
get better unless you make them better.
Those ofyou who thinkyou came here
to hear us tell you...
to turn the other cheek
to the brutality ofthe white man...
and this system ofinjustice
that's in place right here in America...
you thinkyou're gonna come here
and hear us tell you...
to go out there and beg
for a place at their lunch counter...
again, I sayyou came
to the wrong place.
We don't teach you
to turn the other cheek in the South.
And we don't teach you
to turn the other cheek in the North.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
teaches you to obey the law...
to carryyourselves
in a respectable way...
in a proud
Afro-American way.
But at the same time,
we teach you...