You don't marry that girl.
She was a date.
Have some fun.
She's notyourwife.
You don't marry this girl.
Here's some management papers.
I need you to sign right there.
My fatherwould kill me.
Watch whatyou're signing, Ali.
This ain't got nothing
to do with you.
Anything's to do with me I say is to do
with me, fat boy. I'm still a Christian.
And get me a kosher cook. I want
that lady over at Malcolm's temple.
- Lana Shabazz.
- And put my brother on payroll.
Fifty G a year
just for drivin' andjivin'.
What doyou say, Howard?
Come on full-time as my photographer?
I'm not gonna be on the payroll.
I'm freelance. Emphasis on "free."
Muhammad, she's not foryou.
When I met her,
she worked in a cocktail lounge...
with a bunny tail
on her backside.
What the hell was you doing
in a bunny tail lounge anyway, Herbert?
Sellin' MuhammadPeeks?
- You been saving it up training, Ali.
- Your ass.
You should spread that stuffaround
a little bit beforeyou settle down.
No, man. Marriage is
the cornerstone of Muslim life.
- Yeah, well, Sonji Roi is not a Muslim.
- Well, she's gonna be now.
Youjust fix it up, Herbert.
Yeah. Okay.
So, whywe meeting?
I got Malcolm shoulder to shoulder
with Martin Luther King.
And we got Malcolm traveling all over
the world, getting Ben Bella and Nasser.
We were better offbefore
with Malcolm inside the Nation.
So we've decided
we wantyou...
to get Elijah Muhammad
to take Malcolm back.