I follow the Lord,
look a little higher.
Kind of pray to the Lord.
Because I always believed that the Lord
could help me if nobody else could.
But sometime
I think he don't even hear me.
So I have to fall a little lower
on my knees, look a little higher.
Kind of raise my voice
a little higher.
And this is what I say
when I call on my man.
I especially want you ladies to listen
to me 'cause maybe you can try this.
It might help you
every once in a while.
This is what you say
when you call on your man.
Get in tune to--
Darlin, don't you know
That I love you so much, yeah
Fall down on my knees
Beg my baby, please
I got to tell the man
that I love him, yes, I will
For your precious love
For your precious love
There's nothing
There's nothing, nothing
In this whole wide world
I wouldn't do for you, darling
I'll walk all night
out in the rain
Lord, I got to see
my baby again
I got to tell the man
that I love him
Onemore time, yeah
Te sem Muslim vagy, huh?
Elfedni a fejem,semmi smink
és ezt a hosszu ruhát hordani?
Drágám, kérlek.
Még szüz vagy?
Szüz? Mit képzelsz--
Miket beszélsz?
Jól van, ne borulj ki.
már nem vagyok szüz.
Ez igy van.
Csak tréfáltam.