Tonight wasyourfirst
time at the club, wasn 't it?
No, I've
been there a fewtimesbefore.
Really? Well, howcome
the first night I walkedin.
You alwaysstandout.
Well, thankyou.
Well, howcome it tookyou
tilltonight to talk to me?
You're notshy, areyou?
Maybe a little.
You, uh,
you okay with this?
Just taking off
with someoneyou hardly know.
ltrust myself.
- What doyou mean?
- Well, lbelieve in human nature.
You know, thatpeople
are basicallygood.
You're right.
Mostpeople are.
Tracie, youspellthat
with a "Y"or "I-E"?
"I-E. "Guysare always
assumingl'm a T-R-A-C- Y.
- Oh, lhateguys who assume.
- Me too.
You looklike ajames.
- Howaboutjimmy?
- No,justjim.