Oh, come on, you are shy.
Look, um, there'ssomething
I've been meaning to tellyou.
Ithinkyou have
- Oh, you thinkso?
- Yeah.
Brown Bag, this is
Brown Bird. We have audio-visual.
Doyou thinkit'ssexy?
Brown Bag,
close into one click.
Yeah. There's nothing sexier than
short hair on a beautiful woman.
What is it about big hair
that turns men on?
What is it about big hair
that turns guys on anyway?
Bad taste?
Lookat me.
I want to seeyoureyes.
Just the way I like 'em.
That's him.
That's our man.
Caris registered
to ajim Gelway.
Brown Bird,
this is Brown Bag, move in.
He's testing, Tracie.
Tell him...
he's got the Midas touch.
You got the Midas touch.
That's 'cause
I'm God's gift to women.
You know what I think
you are?
I thinkyou're
a natural-born cocksucker.
And I think it's time you did
what you were born to do.
What is this?
- What the fuck is this?
- Oh, shit.
- You fucking bitch!
- Bust him.
Brown Bird,
Brown Bag, move in! Take him!