- Take him now. Now!
Pullyour vehicle to theside,
-yourhands where lcan see them.
- Fuck!
Pull over... now!
- I got him, Alex.
- Callforhelp now!
- Tracie! Hold on!
Don't move, stay whereyou are!
Hold on,
we're going to get you.
- Come on, guys, help out.
- There's nothing to hook onto.
Hold on!
- Tracie!
- Hey, Hannah.
- Hi, Megan.
I hope we don't have
that big math test.
- Hey, Megan.
Jezzie, guess who
called me again last night?
Oh, let's see, um-
Ah, good morning, Dimitri.
Hey, Megan, ldownloaded
some reallycooIGIFs.
- You want to see them?
- Yeah, sure, what are they?
Agent Flannigan.