- Wego backlive tojoin...
reporterAlison Peretsky,
who hasbeen at thescene...
since lawenforcement
- Yeah?
- Mom...
I wanna go home.
You tuned into me,
Dr. Cross?
Sounds like
Alison Peretsky at WNKW Action News.
- Gary Soneji?
- That'll do for now.
How'd you get this number?
Unlisted numbers? Come on, Alex,
there's no such thing.
It's all out there in the air. You
just have to know how to grab it.
Hey, how do you feel about
my kidnapping being bigger news...
than your little tragedy
withJim Gelway?
You ought to give an interview
about what happened that night.
You know what they say about sharing
your pain. It's very cathartic.
- Thanks, but I'm doing okay.
- That's good to hear. Very good.
I thought for a while there
you wouldn't be able to get...
your act back together,
and that would be a great shame.
I've been planning for a long,
long time to involve you...
in the fate ofour
little Miss Muffet.
Megan. Do you have trouble
saying her name?
First-name rapport?
Hostage negotiations 1 01 ?
Now come on, Alex, you can do
better than that, can't you?
You thinkyou're gonna dissect me
in three blinks ofan eye?
I'm not that easy.
But with a little patience
and a little help,
you just might
profile me to a "T."
What makes you think
I'm interested?
They say that when I die,
the case will die.