Every face has two aspects.
Now try looking at it down
the middle, one side at a time.
Would you say this man
was confident?
- Yeah.
- Narcissistic?
- I-l wouldn't know.
- Ever see any flashes of hatred?
- No. No. No!
- Anger? Hostility?
Look, everything about him
was right.
He was always patient, he was
pleasant. He had a sense of humor.
I mean, he was
the perfect teacher.
What do you see?
I see-
No, I mean about me.
What do you see about me?
That's why you're here,
isn't it?
Size me up. Evaluate
your primary material witness?
I see that you're about
to start an argument.
I need to help get her back.
What makes you think
I want a partner?
- You don't. I can understand that.
- That's right.
- No, you can't.
- Can I tell you why I don't care?
Look, when I was
assigned to Cathedral,
it was a job
I didn't want.
It's a far cry from working
rope lines or flying Air Force One,
but I have been there
for three years.
I have been responsible
for Megan for three years.
And that little girl means
more to me than even a partner.
Can you understand that?
I suppose so.
Even if I say no, you'll probably
follow me around wherever I go.