Help me!
"And before the hood
was pulled over his head,
"he bragged
to his executioner,
"'They think that when I die,
the case will die.
"'Theythinkit willbe
like a booklclose.
'But the book,
it will never close."'
Soneji was quoting the final words
of Richard Bruno Hauptman.
I'm sorry.
I don't follow.
1 932. The infant son
of Charles Lindbergh,
America's greatest hero,
was kidnapped.
When Bruno Hauptman wasarrested,
what followedbecame known as...
"the crime ofthe century. "
I believe that Soneji
wants to do the same thing.
You think we're dealing
with a copycat.
Something like that.
Dr. Cross...
what does he want
from you?
He's brought me in
and left this trail...
because he wants me to make sure
that he's properly appreciated.
But in order for him
to achieve this...
he has to kill Megan.
No, no,
not necessarily.
The death ofthe Lindbergh baby
was accidental.
Nevertheless, it's critical
that we pull his strings.
The more we make him
a living legend,
the more likely he is
to keep Megan alive.
Dr. Cross,
you've been brought into this case,
what canyou tell us
about GarySoneji?
I can tell you that Soneji
is very determined,
obviously highly capable and we
consider him a serious adversary.
What about Megan Rose?
Megan Rose
is GarySoneji'sace.
Aslongashe hasher,
he's in control.