-Zerelda became a hell of a woman.
-Oh, yeah.
-"Big and older. "
-Shut up, Frank.
You're a charmer.
-I'll shoot you.
-Next time, try "fat and haggard. "
My boys! My boys!
My boys! My boys are alive! Oh, God!
-Praise God, you're alive!
-Not if you don't ease up a bit, Ma.
-Did you kill Yankees?
-A few.
-Say your prayers?
Good. Come inside and wash
your hands for dinner.
-Ma, you look so good.
-No, you look great!
Look at Jimmy Younger,
all grown up.
-How you doing?
-All right.
-Your ma made us eat.
-That was two hours ago.
I don't see clean plates.
-Thanks for accepting Tom.
-He's Christian and killed Yankees.
-Jesus told me that made him okay.
-She's still talking to Jesus.
-What worries me is, he's talking back.
-I heard that.
-Come on, Frank.
-You play me that.
You ever notice Zerelda's eyes?
She got two, don't she?
-I think one's glass.
-Which one?
-The right or the left?
-The brown one.
Don't make me tell the town about
the fella you screwed in Atlanta.
Talking to me?
-That dance-hall girl at Bunny's?
Sadie was a beautiful woman.
Not a man!
-She had a nice mustache.
-More than that.
-She was European.
-All right.
I'll admit Sadie's a woman,
if you stop about my Zee.
-"My Zee"?
-Your Zee?
From women 's eyes
This doctrine I derive
They sparkle still
The right Promethean fire
They are the books, the arts
The academes
That show, contain and nourish
All the world
I don't know what you said,
but it sounded nice.
That's Shakespeare.
Now, he's European.
Write that down,
so I can say it to Zee?