American Outlaws

-He's our best shot.
-Better than you, Jesse?

Bob Younger taught me how to shoot.
Now. . .
. . .how about we get back
to the robbery?

-Of course.
-That means now, mister!

-That's it, no more bets.
-One more time. Come on, talk to me!

Talk to me, one more time!
Pretty please!

-Damn, Loni, you're lucky.
-Luckiest man in the West. . .

. . .now that I'm riding
with Jesse James!

-You okay, Jesse?
-Drinking whiskey? You're too young.

Not too young to shoot a man,
not too young to drink whiskey.

Jim, you been with a girl yet?
Tonight? I was just getting ready
to go turn on that Younger charm.

Not exactly.
-Been with a girl ever?
-Yeah, I've been with a girl!

I didn't want to get one of them
paid ladies. You know what I mean?

I think so.
You and Frank, Cole, even Bob. . .
. . .you get girls because
you're handsome and famous.

They look at me like
I'm your baby brother.

-But don't tell nobody.
-No, I swear. Not a word.

-You okay?
-Tell you what. . .

. . .I can't drink good neither.
-I'm gonna go outside and throw up.
-You do that. Hurry.

-Hey, Loni.
-Oh, yeah.

Let's go, sugar-britches.
Just call me Lucky Loni Packwood.
-The new rail route is complete, sir.

-Yes, sir?
-What's that?

That, sir?
Jenkins will explain that.


Yes, well, we have done
a financial study. . .

-. . .of the construction costs--

It's cheaper to go around
Jesse James, sir.
