Have a good day.
Hands in the air!
This is a robbery! Move!
The safe, now!
Of course!
Where's Jesse James?
This here is the Younger gang!
But the Youngers ride
with Jesse James.
You wanna die?
Did ride. No more.
You understand?
-The safe, now! All right?
-All right.
Jesse James never
went around yelling.
This is the best score yet!
Taking too long.
People used to snap to.
Well, that was because of J--
The gang's reputation.
If people think Jesse's riding,
we won't get respect.
We're outlaws.
Not exactly the most respectable job.
Bob, leave me alone.
All right? Go on.
"The life of the James gang
wasn't all killing.
These young bucks
had a taste for the ladies. . .
. . .especially the handsome,
charismatic Jesse James. "
Beg your pardon?
"Blazing Guns of the West.
True Stories of Jesse James. "
-Only a dime in the hotel.
-Let me see.
I'm not finished.
"When he sauntered into a saloon,
his spurs jangling. . .
. . .Ladies flocked to him
like flies to a candied apple. "
As I said, hmm.
Now, sweetie. . .
. . .you don't believe them silly
dime novels, do you?
Swimming is good.