That's his dormitory
up ahead.
Turn over.
[ Groans ]
an't bring alcohol
in the dorms.
Oh, uh, good.
Thankyou, uh, Matt.
I'm just here to surprise
my sonim.
Now pin my leg up.
Pin my leg up,
like this.
Uh-huh. Oh, yeah.
Maybe you can help
me out, you know.
Is that the one?
Oh, yeah, yeah!
Oh, oh, oh, okay!
[ Shudders ]
Now I remember.
I didn't do this foryou.
Thanks, dude.
Where's my big guy?
Oh, my God!
Oh, no.
[ Screams ]
-im, we got here a little early.
- Dad, get out!
- I'll wait in the car.
Go, Dad!
Oh, my-- Geez.
Was that your dad?
- I'm so sorry.
- For your own edification,
son, I just--
I'm not embarrassed.
- I am!
- It's a perfectly
normal thing for two--
- Dad, what are you doing?
- This is human nature.
Human nature at its best.
Son, everybody does it.
Your mother and I--
Well, not so much anymore.
Got your favorite.
Oh, my God! They're fucking!
- No! No!
- Honey, honey, listen. No, no.
I'm gonna take her--
Pleasejust go!
ifyou wouldn't mind.
Honey-- I'll take her
to the car.
[ Gasps ]
[ Gasps ]
Hi, Mama.
- Natalie!
- l'm Jim 's dad.
You must be the parents
ofthis young lady.
I'm sorry I didn't get her name,
but hopefully my son did...