You pussy!
Stifler's mom's room.
How did you do
that magic you did?
What the fuck
are you doin' in here?
-ust relax.
- You get out of my house!
Jesus hrist!
ome back here,
you little fucker!
Come backhere,
youson ofa bitch!
Take it easy.
Whoa! Hey! Hey!
Easy! Easy!
That's enough.
Okay, guys, we went through
this last summer, all right?
Finch got a black eye
and Stifler got six stitches.
'ause you fuckin' bit me!
- You touch me, I bite.
- You two relax and shake hands.
Shake this!
I need a drink.
Why is everybody
taking a piss right now?
The line's too long.
I ain't gonna make it, man.
You'll be okay. Relax.
Hey, bro. Hey, man,
you're the guy who boned
Stifler's mom.
Hey, you are a god.
Holy shit, dude.
If I didn't have to hold my dick
'cause I gotta piss so bad,
I would shake your hand.
I'm honored, guys.
Don't leave.
You must teach me.
How? How?
Oh, look what I found,
Oh, what a coincidence.