To her, you're dead.
Don't forget that.
You're hostile, sister-in-law!
That's two you owe me.
Don't be pissed, Jarochito.
Win some, lose some.
What's up?
It's yours.
But hide it, or my brother
will take it.
Don't worry.
Got another place
to stash it?
Yes. I put that other money
in a case in the closet.
The baby's sleeping!
This will be our bank, okay?
Just yours and mine.
Octavio, you stealing too?
This money's clean,
so you'll come away with me.
Come away with you?
You still don't get it,
do you?
No, you don't get it.
Jorge has cousins in Juarez.
We'll go there.
We can open a store,
we got cash.
It'll be cool.
No, I don't want any more trouble.
Can't you understand?