Thanks to Valeria Amaya
and Andres Salgado
for being on the show.
Friends, stay with us
for more surprises
on "People Today".
Valeria, I thought
you were with someone else.
Well, now you know.
So many rumors.
People love gossip.
- Laura, 20 seconds!
- Right, goodbye.
- What are you doing now?
- Nothing, why?
Have lunch with me.
No thanks, Andres.
You would say no
to Andres Salgado?
Listen, the show's over.
The show is over.
I have a surprise you'll love.
Okay, let's go.
- Where are you going?
- To the restaurant.
I said lunch,
I didn't say where.
- Come in.
- Did you buy this place?
- Not exactly.
- It's lovely!
- You like it?
- Of course!
This couch is just like mine.
It's not like yours.
It is yours.
In the bedroom,
you'll find your clothes,
your perfumes...
What are you playing at?
That's not all.
Look at the view!