My partner.
What did he do?
He's cheating me.
How much are you paying?
50,000 now, 50,000 after.
100 now, 50 after.
but I only have 50 on me.
- His name?
- Luis Miranda Solares.
He lives at
1460 Sierra de Maika.
He works on
Montes Urales Street.
Real blue collar, huh!
All right.
Make it look like a robbery.
No people, no trouble...
Of course, brother.
No people,
no trouble, no shit.
All those who think
that life's unfair
Need to know that
it isn't so
That life is beautiful
You've got to live it
Those who think they're
sick and alone
They need to know that
it isn't so
In life no one's alone
Someone's always there
Oh, no need to cry
Life is a carnival
It's better to live singing
Oh, no need to cry
Life is a carnival
You've got to sing
your cares away
Oh, no need to cry
Life is a carnival
It's better to live singing