lt's rude.
Now l'm here, you seem mad about it.
Trust me, when l'm mad,
you'll know it.
lt's just l'm not...
...used to letting anybody up here.
But you're here, so....
-Let's talk about something stupid.
-You first.
What's that ''supposed to'' business?
That we were supposed to meet?
lt sounds a little too
Psychic Friends Network to me.
Some people say we each give off
a particular odor...
...that can only be detected
by one other person's brain.
So we smell each other.
-Who says that?
-l have no idea.
You're crazy.
Thanks for coming up here.
Does that mean l'm going?
No! l mean, you don't have to.
-So you're okay now.
-What, are you here as a medic?
ls this the ''mad'' part?
Maybe going is a good idea.
Can l come back sometime?