Angel Eyes

You ain't seen nothing.
Fuck up your life, l don't care.
You want this life
for your little brother?

Banging until he's shot in the head
like your older brother?

He's a kid. He's got a chance.
-l ain't got a chance?
-No, l'm saying this is your chance.

Are you smart enough to recognize it?
Come on, get in back.
What, you found God or something?
Don't bust my balls, all right?
Come in!
Hey, you got some new furniture.
-And a new friend. Who's this?

-You named your dog Bob.
-No, that was his name.

-He told you that?

l got something too. An invitation
to my parents' renewal of vows.

lt came today.
Found it the mailbox this morning.

Are you gonna go?
l don't know.
Would you?
Are you asking me to go with you?
