
Garry Winston's office
May I help you?

Thanks for holding Yes, he is in a conference
right now. Can I take a message?

The cold, hard facts are
that anything is possible.

Anything, anything you're just not
thinking creatively.

- This is difficult one but we're going to prevail
- Alright, alright

Garry Winston's office
Let me check that for you
I'm sorry, I don't see anything here
Hi.. It is not everyday
we have genious in the house

- Want a soda pop or something?
- No, thanks

Come on in
Digital canvas
The house knows the paintings I like,
knows my favorite music,

some for anybody else
that's in the system

There's a little sensor
that defects who's in the room

Doesn't Bill Gates have
something like that?

Bill who? ha, ha. ah,
no, no. his is primitive.

So I understand you are thinking of
doing a start up

My friends and I have been planning on
doing a media delivery system for a long time

It would be open source, we offer it free
to everybody, just charge for tech support.

Wow, free.
It's a cut-throat business we're in Milo
It's just a matter of time before someone borrows
your technology,improves it and makes a billion dollars on it.

What would you do with a billion dollars Milo?
Mmm I don't know
I'll tell you what you could do
You could take that money and put it back into
technology, education and the arts

You can transform culture
I found the opera company, symphony orchestras,
museums, theatres, steels..

I have donated thousands of computers
to schools through out the country
