
The question
really is,

How many of the people you share discoveries with
will be outulistic?

and how many will make fortunes of
your generosity?

Come on in here
Check this out.
- This is the SYNAPSE satellite.
- You bet.

I have 240 of these up there
12 different obital patterns,
20 satellites,

mother satellite of each ring
passes over us
every night at 10 o'clock

to allow for station keeping,
re-programming, etc.

They in turn pass the data along
to the sister satellites in their realm

That's the coolest I ever seen.
I'm total wrapped up in this
It's like I’ve got my mission control
right here on my PC

Activation codes,
IP address, flight pass..

- It's the best train set ever, hum?
- You bet

We've loaded a back door
to receive SYNAPSE transmissions

and all of our OS software
for the past 6 years,

We've developed compression schemes and
file formats that achieve conductivity, but..

We have a problem
You know what that problem is?
Ah, your adaptors can't overcome
the band width limitation of wireless hand helds

That's right
Data takes too long to download
so your image get so..

Image, ah, goes fuzzy
- Fussy, yeah,
- Ha ha

Can you get this done in time
to meet your date?

With you, I can
So I understand your friend Teddy is
kind of attached to his parents.

It's very commendable
Ah, the truth is he's ah..
Milo, I know, he thinks
