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– Directed by Toshiaki Toyoda
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Aoi haru
Aoi haru (Japanese: 青い春 English: Blue Spring) is a Japanese film directed by Toshiyaki Toyada, released in 2001. It tells the story of seven students in an underperforming high school, as they complete their education and decide on the options available to them afterwards.
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Aoi haru
:00:41 Èestitam na maturi.
:00:42 Zaboravi na to, Kujo.
:00:54 Otvoreno je! Evo ga!
:01:19 Kad si sreæan lupi tada dlan o dlan.
:01:29 Proslava 25'te mature srednje kole Asahi
:01:40 Taxi!
:01:41 Stani, Seronjo!
:01:46 Vozi, vozi! Samo idi odavde!
:01:51 Bre, hajde!
:01:53 Mrtav si!
:01:56 Nemoj ih izgubiti!