Apsolutnih sto

Look at those Chinese,

What a place.
What is it?
-They are waiting for you.

Hi Neske.
I'm Sasa,
lgor's brother. -I know.

My buddy and I came
for a drink,

but I saw you and wanted
to say hello. -Cool.

I want to have a word
with you. -Yes?

It's about lgor. I want
to help him, but...

It's not working. But you
are helping him. -Yes.

Well I don't like the way
you're helping him. -Why?

You should know.
Your brother have chosen
very expensive sport. -What?

What do you want, fucker?
-It's OK.

You made him go to war
then to become a junkie.

Now you're rolling in money.
You even took his girl

so you can piss him off
because he was always better.

You would be happier
if he was killed.

Finish your drink and go.
I was shit-scared! I thought
he'd kill us on the spot.

It's OK.
-What is OK?

Like you don't know
how dangerous he is.

You motherfucker!
It was red light.
-I know, bro!
