At Cybertronics, the artificial being
has reached its highest form.
The universally adapted Mecha. . .
. . .the basis for hundreds of models
serving humans. . .
. . .in all the multiplicity
of daily life.
That's far enough.
But we have no reason
to congratulate ourselves.
We are rightly proud of it.
But what does it amount to?
Sheila, open.
A sensory toy. . .
. . .with intelligent
behavioral circuits. . .
. . .using neurone-sequencing
technology. . .
. . .as old as I am.
I believe that my work on mapping
the impulse pathways in a neurone. . .
. . .can enable us to construct. . .
. . .a Mecha of
a qualitatively different order.
I propose. . .
. . .that we build a robot. . .
. . .who can love.
But we ship thousands
of lover-models every month.
Of course. You're your own
best customer, Syatyoo-Sama.
Quality control is very important.
Tell me, what is love?
Love is first widening my eyes. . .
. . .quickening my breathing,
warming my skin and--
And so on, exactly so.
Thank you, Sheila.
I wasn't referring
to sensuality simulators.